B and B week 6/29- 6/6
I now had to implement my movement into the game, however at first I had an urge to go back and further refine the platform placing, as I still was not satisfied with my generation algorithm during more intense songs. However, even though I wanted to do this task, I was having troubles with starting as through research the problem was starting to get into more and more complicated, as well as needing detailed and in depth knowledge of audio engineering and processing.
So instead, I had to relent and return to my previous plan, which was adding in the actual game part of the game. However, as I had already spent a few hours researching and trying to wrap my head around concepts such as audio separation, where you can separate out instruments from a song, this caused this week to not be to my standards. This is due to that the jumping is not very responsive as I wanted to at first implement a Unity default character controller, along with some basic jumping code. However, this makes completing a level impossible, as it is impossible to end your jump early. This and other ways of making platforming snappier will be for later.
You may notice I said I would only be jumping, as this is because I am making an auto runner. However, because I want a background, and a basic one at that, I wish to have 1 static background. So I will have my character in a running animation and have the platforms move towards the player. I achieved this by creating an empty game object that was a parent to all of the platforms that I created.
However, getting these basics of movement helps demo how the finished game will look. To coincide with this idea, I spent a fair amount of my time asset dressing with an asset pack I’ve had since the beginning of this project, the Polygon Sci Fi City pack, which allows me to make my vision of the game help come to life, as well as making presenting the game a better experience for the audience. I also needed to change the camera, as the now moving platforms will act as the helper for the player to play with the rhythm of the song. So instead of the camera teleporting from platform to platform, the camera stays in the same place and lets the platforms reach the player.
As the platforming is not to my standards yet, next week I shall continue iterating on it, making the platforming more satisfying to jump with the music to. I was also thinking about instead of actually platforming, having a scripted lerp from platform to platform that is initialized if you press space bar with the beat of the platforms that are based on the music. I also need to make the platforms dynamically scroll as fast as the song is going, as currently the platforms are moving at a set compile time value made for this video.