B and B week 6/6- 6/13
On my schedule I originally had this as the time to redo and refine the platforming as well as adding a bpm detector. However, I ran into a big hiccup where unfortunately my Unity was closed due to my laptop shutting down and the scene was set back weeks, past many many saves. Fortunately my scripts were all saved and besides last week with my asset placing, there wasn’t many changes to the scene itself. However, this caused me to have to go back and spend a good amount of my time redoing my previous work. Looking back, I was feeling too cocky and wasn’t backing up nearly as much to perforce as I should.
Because of this, I wanted to spend my remaining time on something a bit lower scope and I brought the final week’s goal to this week, which has the user be able to add their own music and have it be shown in a selection menu. These buttons are dynamically created at runtime and can be scrolled up and down if there are too many buttons on the screen.
For this purpose I found use in the Resources folder in Unity, which is the first time I had heard of this feature. This allows files inside of the folder to be accessed at runtime, which can be used to my advantage. With this, I have each clip be associated with a new button prefab. Each button loads the same scene but with a different audio clip from the folder, thus creating a different layout of platforms. The user will have to preload their .mp3 or .wav files before running, but by opening the game they will see many different buttons that correspond to a unique song that they have added in.
As for next week, I want to go to my previous goals and having the platforms move at the speed that the song is going at, as well as refining my platforming, but for real this time. I also want to try and create the rest of the game loop as well, having a victory screen if you finish a level, as well as a starting countdown that’s based on the song’s speed from the scrolling speed algorithm, to get the user acquainted and ready to start.